We specialise in comprehensive advice for employment law, legal, tax, and accounting issues and those related to insurances. We will carefully study your needs and fulfil your requests as efficiently as possible, both by phone and by email, and in due time, we will inform you of the best route for your company to follow.
It is very important to us for our clients are able to count on personalised advice, while receiving a professional and kind treatment.
Employment Law Advice
We are aware that employment laws are important in every company. Because of this, we place at your disposition professionals that are specialised in this area. We'll take care of applying the current legislation for each of your needs, offering a fast, comfortable and efficient service.
- Employment law advice and management for companies.
- We draw-up payrolls and social security lists.
- Update agreements.
- Draw-up contracts and present them in the Job Centre.
- Additions and terminations of employees and self-employed workers.
- Redundancy Dismissal Procedure.
- Work inspections.
- Process disability or retirement records, among others.
Legal Advice
The conditions in which your business activities take place in the market demand specialised professionals. For this reason, we provide you with an expert lawyer, who is capable of offering personalised solutions. This service will allow you to clear up all of your doubts and continue with the confidence that only a professional consultancy offers.
We offer the following services, among others:
- Court defence on trials and disputes.
- Client defence in proceedings in different jurisdictional areas.
- Civil orientation: sales and purchases, renting, eviction or seizure of property.
- Social orientation: dismissals, resolution of contracts, salary claims, crisis records or Redundancy Dismissal Procedure.
- Commercial orientation: unsettled debts, intellectual and industrial property, suspension of payments and bankruptcy, or issues related to competitors.
- Administrative law orientation: claims against administrations, sanctions, or pecuniary liability
Financial and Tax Advice
Our objective is to offer you a comprehensive service that is focused on following as many legal obligations as required by the Taxes Administration State Agency. This service not only keeps you informed, but will also offer you the peace of mind of knowing that someone is watching over your interests with the preciseness that is needed in such cases.
We offer the following services, among others:
- Confección del Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido (IVA).
- Confección de las retenciones e ingresos a cuenta por el Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas (IRPF).
- Confección del Impuesto sobre Sociedades (IS).
- Confección de libros de registro del IVA.
- Le ayudamos a plantear y ejecutar posibles planes de ahorro fiscal.
- Información periódica de las novedades más relevantes aparecidas en el BOE.
- Confección y emisión de informes sobre temas fiscales concretos.
- Asesoramiento fiscal constante y personalizado, vía telefónica o a través del correo electrónico.
- Confección de recursos administrativos relacionados con las declaraciones periódicas obligatorias.
- Calculation of value-added tax (VAT).
- Drawing-up of withholdings and credit to accounts after income tax.
- Calculation of Corporate Income Tax (CIT).
- Drafting of VAT registry books.
- We will help you come up with and carry out possible tax savings plans.
- Periodic information of the most relevant news appearing in the Official State Gazette.
- Drawing-up and presentation of reports about certain legal issues.
- Constant and personalised legal consultations, by phone or email.
- Drawing-up of administrative resources related to the obligatory periodic declarations.
Accounting Advice
Accounting is a necessary and essential control instrument for self-employed professionals as well as for companies. Correct management of this data requires a rather large amount of dedicated time. We will help you keep your accounts up to date and updated with the new general accounting plan (NPGC). We will save you time, which you will be able to use on your business.
We offer the following services, among others:
- Comprehensive audit of your company's accounting plan and adapt it to the Spanish new general accounting plan.
- Training tailored to the needs of your finance team.
- Mechanise your accounting.
- Drafting of obligatory official books (general journal, inventory book and annual accounts book).
- Legalisation of official books in the Registration Office of Commerce.
- Drafting of annual accounts.
- Creation and presentation of required documents for the deposit of the annual accounts in the Registration Office of Commerce.
- Drawing-up of reports and balances related to certain areas of accounting.
- Constant and personalised consultation, by phone or by email.
Commercial Advice
Within the framework of our commercial advice services, we focus on the commercial obligations of each businessman or woman depending on their legal status (limited liability companies, worker-owned companies, individual entrepreneurs...) and prepare the documentation to take the necessary steps to comply with these obligations. Read more about our commercial consultancy service.
Advice on Insurance Needs
We help to optimize the capital that is used yearly on insurance, maintaining the same guarantees while also saving a considerable amount of money. To achieve this we have the cooperation of 'Mutual General de Seguros," which offers a wide range of products to choose from and a work team who can advise you to make the best decision. In the insurance sector, efficiency is a priority.
We offer the following services, among others:
- Asesoramiento y seguimiento.
- Tramitación de siniestros.
- Optimización de capital.
- Seguros de automóviles, motos, transportes o furgonetas.
- Seguros comerciales o de oficinas.
- Seguros industriales, de construcción, maquinaria, responsabilidad civil, mercancías o equipos eléctricos.
- Seguros de salud, bajas por autónomo o rentas.
- Advice and continuity.
- Hadling of Write-off claims.
- Optimisation of capital funds (money investments).
- Car, motorcycle, transportation or van insurance.
- Business or office insurance.
- Industrial, construction, machinery, civil liability, merchandise or electronic equipment insurance.
- Health insurance, sick leave for self-employed workers (freelancers) o tenants payments.